Monday, August 22, 2011

Prayer before birth

I read a poem by Louis Macneice 'Prayer Before Birth' sometime and things got ridiculous after that. I got this pregnant woman fascination! Not that i wanna be pregnant or anything but i just started drawing them everywhere! They intruded in my school projects and sketch books. I was just looking back through my drawings and though it would be funny to share this!

J'ai lu un poème de Louis MacNeice «La Prière avant la naissance" et ensuite les choses sont devenu ridicules. J'ai eu cette fascination pour la femme enceinte! certainnement pas parceque je voulais être enceinte, mais j'ai juste commencé à les dessiner partout! il y en avais pleins dans mes projets scolaires et dans mes carnets. Je vais vous montrer de quoi je parle.


I even went a head and participated in a campaign to give hope to Japan after the earthquake, guess what i drew...
(My drawing wasn't selected though, that sucks big time!! Don't worry I'm over it.)
Alright,enough pregnant women for one day. see you folks later!
Assez avec les femmes enceintes. A plus! 

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Im working on a series of unknouwn godesses. Here is the first;

 Mami wata, an African godess, seen in two ways. Your average evil-a** mermaid, man-eater (in all senses of the term) or guardian of nature.

 Ala(Odinani) is the Niegerian godess of death;earth,fertility and morality.I pictured her as a pissed looking woman with a 'don't mess with me' expression on her face.This godess supposedly keeps the ancestors in her womb.I mean you dont just mess with someone who has dead old guys in her womb,right?

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Hi everyone, and by that i mean no one so far! just trying to get a hand of things and then i'll start posting my drawing.Later!

Salut à tous (j'suis pas très doué dans la langue française mais a quoi ça sert d’être bilingue si on ce serre pas des 2 langues!) Bon,j'essaye d'apprendre à tous utiliser sur ce blog et puis je vais m'y mettre à poster des dessin. A plus!