Voici trois planches que j'ai fait pour un concours. Je n'ai pas gagner mais j'espère avoir plus de chance l'année prochaine. C'est une version plus drôle des mésaventures d'une étrangère à la commune.
Je ne vais pas vous mordre si vous commentez. ce blog est complètement inoffensive! COMMENTEZ!
Here are three pages that I submitted for a comic book illustration contest. I didn't make it but better luck next year wohoo! It is a funnier version of the misadventures of a foreign girl.
Guys, I won't bite you if you comment. This blog is totally harmless. COMMENT! and check out my facebook page.Xhandu on facebook
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-The communal office is an compulsory passage for all foreigners not wishing to become illegal immigrants.
-The waiting time is really long each visit. I always feel like I am wasting my youth in these offices.
-I hence found the technics necessary for survival at the communal office.
-(The ZOMBIE technique)
-This technic recquires its user to be up at ungodly hours in order to reach before the crowd. Resulting in the zombie appearance.
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-However, many people are frequent users and pros of this technic, hence the need for technic number 2
-(the technic of the fake good samaritan)
-(After you Madam)
-(please sir, after you)
-(thank you )
-(in thruth...)
-The last to get into the lift is the first to get out!
-Once armed with your ticket
-The time of endless waiting commences.
-To avoid this punishment, switch to technic 3.
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-(The camping technic)
-Prepare entertainement and what to survive on in hostile territory
-However, sometimes you have the bad luck of landing yourself the mean ones at the counter.
-[Identity card]
-politeness, kindness, effectiveness,bothersomeness
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